Archive for November, 2003

Have You Ever Dreamt A Song?

Bloggin’ away while someone somewhere is wondering what you’d get if you ordered a virgin Molotov cocktail…

Anyway, I dreamt a song last night. Well, I dreamt I had written this song, and it was like the perfect song and for some reason, I was somewhere, and Shane was playing and singing it for these people. But no matter how I try, I can’t remember any of the words to the song. It seems like I’ve had a dream like this at least once before. So I wonder, if I could remember the song, would it be this great song, or would it be a song everyone already knows, or did it even really have words in my dream? That’s what I wonder…

Otherwise, it’s the end of a long, exhausting, but good, weekend. Oddly, I chose hanging out with friends over getting stuff done around the house, so there’s some cleaning to be done and I still haven’t put up my tree. But hey, it’s still November. I also have to figure some way to get back in a sleep pattern tonight, since I haven’t been to bed before 2 AM the last three nights. That’ll be interesting. For some reason, I am having a little trouble getting into the holiday spirit this year. Usually, I’m about as chipper as it gets this time of year. I did hear a couple of Christmas songs at APPLEBEES tonight that kind of got me in the spirit, namely “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” and “Sleigh Ride.” I dunno, it’s been a bit of a tough year, compared to other years I’ve had. Plus, I think the fact that it stayed warm for so long is sort of delaying my reaction. I’m sure the first time I go shopping, I’ll be in it.

Yes, I did go to APPLEBEES tonight after church. Sat with BETH. JESSICA and JADE came by to chat. Had a caesar salad and chicken quesadillas. What BETH and I didn’t eat, I brought home. lol Also had some hot chocolate. I had a free appetizer card, so my bill was $1.09 for my salad. I tipped $3, so I told BETH that’s like a 300% tip. Well, it was funny at the time… maybe… a little. Anyway, it was good to see everyone, since I hadn’t been up there in like a week. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

“Well since she put me down I been out doin’ in my head. I come in late at night and in the mornin’ I just lay in bed. But Rhonda you look so fine and I know it wouldn’t take much time, for you to help me Rhonda. Help me get her outta my heart…”

November 30, 2003 at 8:28 pm Leave a comment

Have You Ever Dreamt A Song?

Bloggin’ away while someone somewhere is wondering what you’d get if you ordered a virgin Molotov cocktail…

Anyway, I dreamt a song last night. Well, I dreamt I had written this song, and it was like the perfect song and for some reason, I was somewhere, and Shane was playing and singing it for these people. But no matter how I try, I can’t remember any of the words to the song. It seems like I’ve had a dream like this at least once before. So I wonder, if I could remember the song, would it be this great song, or would it be a song everyone already knows, or did it even really have words in my dream? That’s what I wonder…

Otherwise, it’s the end of a long, exhausting, but good, weekend. Oddly, I chose hanging out with friends over getting stuff done around the house, so there’s some cleaning to be done and I still haven’t put up my tree. But hey, it’s still November. I also have to figure some way to get back in a sleep pattern tonight, since I haven’t been to bed before 2 AM the last three nights. That’ll be interesting. For some reason, I am having a little trouble getting into the holiday spirit this year. Usually, I’m about as chipper as it gets this time of year. I did hear a couple of Christmas songs at APPLEBEES tonight that kind of got me in the spirit, namely “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” and “Sleigh Ride.” I dunno, it’s been a bit of a tough year, compared to other years I’ve had. Plus, I think the fact that it stayed warm for so long is sort of delaying my reaction. I’m sure the first time I go shopping, I’ll be in it.

Yes, I did go to APPLEBEES tonight after church. Sat with BETH. JESSICA and JADE came by to chat. Had a caesar salad and chicken quesadillas. What BETH and I didn’t eat, I brought home. lol Also had some hot chocolate. I had a free appetizer card, so my bill was $1.09 for my salad. I tipped $3, so I told BETH that’s like a 300% tip. Well, it was funny at the time… maybe… a little. Anyway, it was good to see everyone, since I hadn’t been up there in like a week. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

“Well since she put me down I been out doin’ in my head. I come in late at night and in the mornin’ I just lay in bed. But Rhonda you look so fine and I know it wouldn’t take much time, for you to help me Rhonda. Help me get her outta my heart…”

November 30, 2003 at 7:28 pm Leave a comment

Feels like it should be Monday

I guess since I’ve been off work the past two days, I keep thinking this is Monday. But it’s only Saturday! Woohoo! I didn’t get to go shopping yesterday OR put up my tree. I did have lunch with Dad at the theakhouth. Mmmm. BUNNY called and we made plans to have dinner. I mentioned why not go shoot pool for a little while first, so we met at 5:00 and did that. Her friends, ANNE, came as well. She ended up being a lot of fun. I’d met her a couple of times, but never really talked to her much until last night. I found out she was not a chick magnet. ROFL Long story… but funny. It was misstated several times, but the original one I think was, “I’m not a chick magnet for guys.” ROFL Confused? We all were. Wes, Belle, Nichole, Tina, and Ben were all working. There was basically no one there at that time though. After that it was off to dinner at LOGAN’S. I hadn’t been there in awhile, and it was good. Another of BUNNY’S friends met us up there. After that we all went to his house and shot pool, played video games, sang, and did numerous other fun things not to be mentioned here. lol I don’t even know what that means.

After I left there, I ended up stopping by MATT’S for a bit. Anyway, I got home around 2:30. Wow, I’m not used to these late nights. It was a good night, a lot of fun. Good to see BUNNY again. She’s going back to VIRGINIA tomorrow. On a semi-related note, I got Cassie’s phone number last night. BUNNY was like, “Oh, I’m supposed to give you Cassie’s phone number so you can call her to do something sometime.” Far be it from me to argue with a woman. lol Seriously though, it’s good to have more people to do stuff with.

Looks like a couple of members of the BlogNation are laid up with some sort of infection on this Thanksgiving weekend. Well, all I know to do without being completely inappropriate is to sing the get well song from “Seinfeld”… Get well, get well soon We wish you to get well. Get well, get well soon. We wish you to get well!!! lol Wooooooooooo!!!

“But oh sometimes I think about you, and the way you used ride out, in your rhinestones and your sequins, with the sunlight on your hair. And oh the crowd will always love you. But as for me I’ve come to know, everything that glitters, is not gold…”

November 29, 2003 at 12:58 pm Leave a comment

Feels like it should be Monday

I guess since I’ve been off work the past two days, I keep thinking this is Monday. But it’s only Saturday! Woohoo! I didn’t get to go shopping yesterday OR put up my tree. I did have lunch with Dad at the theakhouth. Mmmm. BUNNY called and we made plans to have dinner. I mentioned why not go shoot pool for a little while first, so we met at 5:00 and did that. Her friends, ANNE, came as well. She ended up being a lot of fun. I’d met her a couple of times, but never really talked to her much until last night. I found out she was not a chick magnet. ROFL Long story… but funny. It was misstated several times, but the original one I think was, “I’m not a chick magnet for guys.” ROFL Confused? We all were. Wes, Belle, Nichole, Tina, and Ben were all working. There was basically no one there at that time though. After that it was off to dinner at LOGAN’S. I hadn’t been there in awhile, and it was good. Another of BUNNY’S friends met us up there. After that we all went to his house and shot pool, played video games, sang, and did numerous other fun things not to be mentioned here. lol I don’t even know what that means.

After I left there, I ended up stopping by MATT’S for a bit. Anyway, I got home around 2:30. Wow, I’m not used to these late nights. It was a good night, a lot of fun. Good to see BUNNY again. She’s going back to VIRGINIA tomorrow. On a semi-related note, I got Cassie’s phone number last night. BUNNY was like, “Oh, I’m supposed to give you Cassie’s phone number so you can call her to do something sometime.” Far be it from me to argue with a woman. lol Seriously though, it’s good to have more people to do stuff with.

Looks like a couple of members of the BlogNation are laid up with some sort of infection on this Thanksgiving weekend. Well, all I know to do without being completely inappropriate is to sing the get well song from “Seinfeld”… Get well, get well soon We wish you to get well. Get well, get well soon. We wish you to get well!!! lol Wooooooooooo!!!

“But oh sometimes I think about you, and the way you used ride out, in your rhinestones and your sequins, with the sunlight on your hair. And oh the crowd will always love you. But as for me I’ve come to know, everything that glitters, is not gold…”

November 29, 2003 at 11:58 am Leave a comment

Oh what a night…

Bloggin’ away while somebody somewhere is wondering why they call it a continental breakfast…

Wow, I didn’t get in until 3:45 this morning. *yawn* Woke up about 9:45 though, so that’s good, I guess. Hung out over in Decatur much of the night last night. I think I’m going to have lunch with Dad since I’m off today. Otherwise, a little shopping is in the plan. BUNNY said the other night that she and one of her friends might be up for doing something later tonight, so I may do something with them, but I haven’t heard from anyone yet. Need to put up my tree at some point this weekend. And, NASHVILLE is a possibility for Saturday. I still haven’t seen “Elf.” So I want to go see that. They were talking about it at the Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, and saying it was a good Chirstmas movie.

Did you know the day after Thanksgiving usually is NOT the biggest shopping day of the year. I was reading Wednesday that the biggest days are usually the two Fridays and two Saturdays immediately preceding Christmas. The day after Thanksgiving normally ranks between the 5th and 10th busiest. Things that make you go hmmm… lol

“Please tell me why, my car is in the front yard, and I’m sleepin’ with my clothes on. I came in thru the window last night, and you’re gone…”

November 28, 2003 at 11:12 am Leave a comment

Oh what a night…

Bloggin’ away while somebody somewhere is wondering why they call it a continental breakfast…

Wow, I didn’t get in until 3:45 this morning. *yawn* Woke up about 9:45 though, so that’s good, I guess. Hung out over in Decatur much of the night last night. I think I’m going to have lunch with Dad since I’m off today. Otherwise, a little shopping is in the plan. BUNNY said the other night that she and one of her friends might be up for doing something later tonight, so I may do something with them, but I haven’t heard from anyone yet. Need to put up my tree at some point this weekend. And, NASHVILLE is a possibility for Saturday. I still haven’t seen “Elf.” So I want to go see that. They were talking about it at the Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, and saying it was a good Chirstmas movie.

Did you know the day after Thanksgiving usually is NOT the biggest shopping day of the year. I was reading Wednesday that the biggest days are usually the two Fridays and two Saturdays immediately preceding Christmas. The day after Thanksgiving normally ranks between the 5th and 10th busiest. Things that make you go hmmm… lol

“Please tell me why, my car is in the front yard, and I’m sleepin’ with my clothes on. I came in thru the window last night, and you’re gone…”

November 28, 2003 at 10:12 am Leave a comment

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone has or had a happy and safe holiday. At my best count, we had 33 people at my aunt’s at one time or another. It is always good to see family, especially when you don’t see a lot of them that often.

On a humorous note, some radio station played the Adam Sandler Thanksgiving song today. That is so funny. lol

On a more serious note, I have so much to be thankful for, such that I could never name or count all the blessings. Sometimes I think I am guilty of calling blessings coincidences or luck. Something to work on… So let us be thankful today, and every day. “Every good and every perfect gift is from above…”

“Gobble gobble goo, and gobble gobble giggle. I wish turkey only cost a nickel…”

November 27, 2003 at 7:25 pm Leave a comment

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone has or had a happy and safe holiday. At my best count, we had 33 people at my aunt’s at one time or another. It is always good to see family, especially when you don’t see a lot of them that often.

On a humorous note, some radio station played the Adam Sandler Thanksgiving song today. That is so funny. lol

On a more serious note, I have so much to be thankful for, such that I could never name or count all the blessings. Sometimes I think I am guilty of calling blessings coincidences or luck. Something to work on… So let us be thankful today, and every day. “Every good and every perfect gift is from above…”

“Gobble gobble goo, and gobble gobble giggle. I wish turkey only cost a nickel…”

November 27, 2003 at 6:25 pm Leave a comment

Most Dangerous Cities…

Click on the Top/Bottom 25 link for the list.

Atlanta 3rd, Memphis 11th, and Bham 22nd. Having spent a fair amount of time in all three, I would have to agree.

“Some people live with the fear of a touch, and the anger of having been a fool. They will not listen to anyone, so nobody tells them a lie…”

November 26, 2003 at 7:01 pm Leave a comment

Most Dangerous Cities…

Click on the Top/Bottom 25 link for the list.

Atlanta 3rd, Memphis 11th, and Bham 22nd. Having spent a fair amount of time in all three, I would have to agree.

“Some people live with the fear of a touch, and the anger of having been a fool. They will not listen to anyone, so nobody tells them a lie…”

November 26, 2003 at 6:01 pm Leave a comment

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About Me

Name: Bone
Age: 33
Location: Alabama, USA
November 2003

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